Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Market Job Demand For Anti-Terrorism Training And Education

The advent of the information age has facilitated an explosion in distance education in a multitude of subject areas and disciplines. Corporations and government agencies alike recognize the value online education and training provides to the individual and takes the credentials they earn into consideration for hiring and promotion purposes. The field of strategic security is no exception.

Since the September 11 terror attacks, our nation has focused on combating terrorism. To raise awareness and increase the nation's readiness in the shortest amount of time possible to widest audience available, the United States government has relied on the use of web-based training to conduct anti-terrorism training. To accomplish this, the government had to rely on the industry by entering into service contracts with anti-terrorism training providers to develop a curriculum that meets the unique needs of a particular agency or service. For the most, they accomplished their goal. Today, throughout the Department of Defense (DOD), each military member and civilian employee must complete annual anti-terrorism training to maintain awareness and the ability to recognize potential threats to personnel and facilities. DOD is not the only entity that heavily focuses on anti-terrorism training. Other government agencies such the U.S. State Department, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Department of Energy have all had anti-terrorism training curricula developed by industry providers.

Not only is the government a customer of anti-terrorism training, but the corporate world is as well. In fact, before U.S. armed forces were committed to the global war on terror, it was multinational corporations that were often the targets of terrorist groups and extremist organizations. Terrorism can inflict significant cost on international business and commerce, and attacks on facilities and company employees in tumultuous regions can create quantifiable and unquantifiable losses. Over time, this has forced some international executives to yield some of their decision-making to hired security personnel. Other multinational executives have employed outside security consultants that provide detailed economic and political analysis of high-risk areas of interest to the international firm.

Thus, there is a market need for individuals with anti-terrorism training that can support these multinational corporations in their business endeavors. There is a need for individuals with these skill sets than can assist in and minimize the significant costs of terrorism on the business and evaluate methods for minimizing the negative economic impacts.

The corporate and government embrace of online education has created opportunities for individuals seeking entry in a strategic security field by completing an anti-terrorism education program offered by one of several online universities that specialize in strategic security. The completion of an anti-terrorism education curriculum will open up opportunities for persons seeking employment in a national security agency or multinational corporation in need of security consultants.

Whichever path one chooses, an anti-terrorism training program, anti-terrorism education, or both, they will likely find multiple employment opportunities. With this skill set, advancements will be easy to make in the strategic security fields opening up now.

Dan Sommer works for Henley-Putnam University, a leading educational institution in the field of Strategic Security. For more info on Henley-Putnam University, anti-terrorism training, anti-terrorism education, visit

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